Following are videos and movies that we highly recommend for people who
want to learn more about schizophrenia, and related issues. For more information
on each video, simply click on the Title link. Note, It may take a few
seconds before a new web browser window opens on your computer with the
video information. Your support in purchasing videos through the links
below would be greatly appreciated as it helps cover this web site's operating
costs. Please tell friends who might benefit from this list of videos
to visit our web site too. For those who don't have computer access, please
print out a copy of this page and give it to them - Thank you.
Audiocassettes on Schizophrenia
An audiocassette reading of "The Quiet Room" by Lori Schiller.
The second recording is "Schizophrenia" - From the award-winning
public radio program The Infinite Mind. What is schizophrenia? What's
it like to experience its symptoms? Dr. Goodwin and several top researchers
and advocates discuss the most recent developments in our understanding
of schizophrenia and how to treat it. Psychologist Fred Frese, who himself
has schizophrenia, explains that for the schizophrenic, life can be
dreamlike. The ability to determine what is true, to control one's actions,
to distinguish between internal and external aspects of one's experience
-- all can be altered.
Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness By Lori Schiller,
Publisher: Time Warner Audio Books; Abridged edition (June 1994) ISBN:
Voices of an Illness Publisher: Lichtenstein Creative Media; (May
1, 1994) ISBN: 1888064021
Voices of an Illness radio documentary series has provided millions
with an extraordinary window on serious mental illness since the series
premiere in 1992. The series was the first to feature people who had
recovered from serious mental illness, telling their own stories in
their own words. The National Institute of Mental Health hailed the
series as having "truly set new standards of creativity and scientific
accuracy in broadcast journalism about mental illness."
Educational Films, Videos and DVDs on Schizophrenia
(in no particular order)
of the Shadow - Up and down. Up and down. For years, that's
how things went for Susan Smiley. Her 63-year-old mother suffers from
paranoid schizophrenia. She's been in and out of psychiatric facilities
in the Chicago area. She took, and then didn't take, her medication.
"I was sort of at wit's end with all the trials and tribulations,"
said Smiley, 38. "I wanted to just channel my frustrations."
One day Smiley, a filmmaker, picked up her camera and followed her
mother around. She captured her pain, her unpredictability. What evolved
was a nearly five-year odyssey - all caught on film - that became the
subject of a cinematic exposé of the highs and lows of her mother's
mental health care.
More information: See "Out
of the Shadow" Website
- a film done by a young film student (who has a mother who has schizophrenia)
on his home Macintosh computer, don't expect a very refined production.
"Tarnation" is an unsettling look into one man's shattered
The Movie Website: Tarnation
Say I'm Crazy"
- During his senior year in college, artist John Cadigan had a psychotic
break. He dropped out of school and cycled through a number of drugs
and doctors, then decided to film his agonizing battle with schizophrenia.
People Say I'm Crazy is the first documentary ever photographed and
directed by someone with schizophrenia. John invites viewers to tour
the inside of his mind, a chaotic and creative universe, where he struggles
to know what is real and what is not.
An alumna of Stanford University's graduate program who profiled John
in her 1994 thesis film, Out of My Mind [see below], Katie Cadigan reports
that shooting People was much easier for her brother - since he controlled
what got recorded - than editing." The Cadigans are collaborating on
another documentary, about the hysterical and misleading portrayals
of schizophrenia in popular culture. As its title (Wacko) suggests,
it's intended to be funny as well as scathing.
More information on "People Say I'm Crazy" -
of My Mind" - a film thesis by Katie Cadigan. Out of My
Mind is an award-winning documentary about the onset of mental illness.
A young artist's college career comes to a halt by a psychotic episode,
signaling the onset of schizophrenia. The artist teams up with his sister
- the filmmaker - to explore the nature of his psychosis, their agonizing
search for care, and the family love that sustains him through crisis
after crisis. Demystifying the frightening and stigmatized world of
severe mental illness, Out of My Mind offers a rare first-person account
of a family struggling to come to terms with schizophrenia. For purchase
or rental, contact Filmaker's
Library, {phone (212) 808-4980}. "It is one of the best and most
useful films I have seen on this subject... especially for teaching
and for families of individuals with serious mental illnesses." - E.
Fuller Torrey, M.D., author of Surviving Schizophrenia
They Fall Off the Cliff - This is an award-winning film is the
story of a family where paranoid schizophrenia took its heavy toll,
but also gave it the courage to forgive and to enlighten others about
mental illness.
In 1994, Matthew McBride, the youngest son of a suburban St., Louis
family was fighting a difficult battle with paranoid schizophrenia.
Imaginary voices convinced him that if he killed his parents, he could
prevent World War III. He stabbed his parents to death hours after release
from a mental hospital. Matt¹s brother and sister were left to
deal with not only the violent death of their beloved parents but the
well being of their younger brother who was not responsible for his
actions. 60min. Video. Sale $350. Rental $75. - Order from
Filmakers Library, 124 East 40th Street, NY, NY 10016, Phone 212-808-4980,
fax 212-808-4983
Robert: My Brother, Madness and Survival - The book, Imagining
Robert: My Brother, Madness & Survival, has been made into a one-hour
documentary. Jay Neuborgen wrote the story about his brother and their
family's experience with schizophrenia. The film is available for rental
through Films for the Humanities & Sciences at
or by calling (800) 257-5126. Information about the filmmakers, Larry
Hott and Diane Garey, is available at
. For more information see the film web site at:
Dark Voices:
- Schizophrenia is a neurological brain disorder that affects
2.2 million Americans today. This program seeks to understand how schizophrenia
touches the lives of patients and their family members while examining
the disease’s etiology and pathology. Although there is currently
no cure, schizophrenia is a highly manageable disorder—in fact,
its treatment success rate is comparable to the success rate associated
with heart disease. A Discovery Channel Production. (53 minutes, color).
List Price: $129.95, Rental Price: $75.00, Ordering Website:
Addiction and Schizophrenia - Many people who are mentally ill
are also addicted to drugs and alcohol. These are separate problems
that require separate treatments, yet few people have been diagnosed
correctly for both conditions. This program from The Doctor Is In profiles
a woman who is manic-depressive and alcoholic, and a man with schizophrenia
who is also alcoholic. Dr. Fred Goodwin, director of the National Institute
of Mental Health, explains ongoing research that may help identify and
treat adolescents before they begin to experience problems. A Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center production. (28 minutes, color). List Price: $149.95,
Rental Price: $75.00, Ordering Website:
The Torment
of Schizophrenia - (2000) Although one out of every hundred
people in the world will likely wrestle with schizophrenia, the disease
remains one of psychiatry’s greatest therapeutic challenges. Enhanced
by computer animations of the brain, this poignant program uses several
case studies and expert commentary to promote a better understanding
of schizophrenia: its causes and warning signs, current treatments,
and how it affects the lives of those who have it. The phases of a psychotic
attack are described, and positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms
are defined. In addition, approaches to mainstreaming patients are addressed.
(53 minutes, color), List Price: $129.95, Rental Price: $75.00, Ordering
Relapse in Schizophrenia - As of now, there is no cure for schizophrenia,
but with a combination of proper medication, therapy, and group support,
patients can gain more control over their lives. In this program, two
psychiatric experts discuss the elusive nature of this devastating disorder,
as well as various treatments available to prevent relapse. Both the
benefits and side effects of antipsychotic drugs are weighed by doctors.
Schizophrenia patients offer personal insights into how they avoid relapse
and how a growing variety of treatment options are helping them lead
more normal lives. (21 minutes, color), List Price: $129.95, Rental
Price: $75.00. Ordering Website:
- This specially adapted Phil Donahue program is widely regarded as
a very helpful program on schizophrenia addressed to non-specialist
audiences. The program offers basic information about this psychotic
illness that affects nearly one million Americans, usually striking
17- to 25-year-olds. Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, author of Surviving Schizophrenia:
A Family Manual, reviews the suspected causes, the symptoms, the prognosis
for recovery, and the steps to be taken by supportive family members.
(28 minutes, color), List Price: $89.95, Rental Price: $75.00, Ordering
and Depression - Mental illness, its forms, and the progress
being made in its treatment are the focus of this program. First, Dr.
David Pickar, of the National Institute of Mental Health, provides information
on schizophrenia and its treatment. A patient with schizophrenia who
has a history of suicide attempts and has benefited from drug therapies
is profiled. Then, Dr. Frederick Goodwin, formerly of the NIMH, shares
his knowledge of depression, an illness that affects millions of American
adults. Of this group, most could benefit from medication, but only
a fraction actually seek treatment. The program also explores the temporary
chemical changes in the brain during winter, which can lead to seasonal
affective disorder. (23 minutes, color), List Price: $99.95, Rental
Price: $75.00, Ordering Website:
New Definitions, New Therapies - (1998) Using interviews
with medical authorities including neuropsychiatrist Richard Petty,
of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, and outstanding computer
animation of the brain, this program provides an update on the causes
and treatments of schizophrenia. NewsHour correspondent Susan Dentzer
focuses on a young Philadelphia man trying desperately to control this
devastating disorder. Although new atypical antipsychotic drugs such
as Olanzapine, Risperidone, and Quetiapine are proving helpful—to
those who can afford them—experts agree that a strong community
support program is also essential to achieve lasting recovery. (29 minutes,
color), List Price: $89.95, Rental Price: $75.00, Ordering Website:
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) Videos
47th Street
Mental illness is a topic rife with stereotypes and misunderstanding.
Made with depth and compassion, "West 47th Street" is an intimate cinema
verite portrait of four people struggling to recover from serious mental
illness. They've all come to Fountain House, a renowned rehabilitation
center in New York City's Hell's Kitchen. Over three years, the film
follows its subjects as they deal with drug regimens, health issues,
group homes and work programs with courage and humor. Epic in scope,
"West 47th Street" offers an unprecedented window onto the lives of
people who are often feared and ignored, but seldom understood. An Active
Voice Selection. Price: $49.98 for DVD, $39.98 for Video
Brilliant Madness - The Story of John Nash
John Nash was an eccentric mathematical genius whose sudden youthful
plunge into schizophrenia could have ended in obscurity or tragedy.
Instead, his 30-year battle against crippling mental disease ended in
triumph--and winning the 1994 Nobel Prize in economics, as recounted
in the blockbuster 2001 film, A Beautiful Mind. This documentary features
interviews with Nash, wife Alicia, friends, and colleagues. DVD Special
Features include bonus interview with John Nash; out-takes of schizophrenia;
Price: $14.95 Video, $19.95 DVD.
Life of the Brain: Part 3: The Teenage Brain: A World of Their Own
This episode offers potential comfort to parents who believe teenagers
are different from the rest of humanity by demonstrating that it's literally
true. During puberty the brain is a work in progress, teeming with hormones,
while the areas that direct reasoning and impulse control are still
in development. Adolescence is also a period during which people are
especially susceptible to schizophrenia and addiction, two areas currently
under intensive study and benefiting from increased understanding of
brain function. Price: $14.95 for Video.
Other Documentary-type films related to schizophrenia
"Managing Depression", "Depression and Relationships",
"Treating Depression" and "Understanding Depression"
from Glaxo Wellcome Inc, Pharmaceuticals Research, Triangle Park, N.C.
"Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia", 1995, Nancy Andreasen,
M.D., Ph.D., University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Contact NAMI
for 60 minute video,
Notes from Video "Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia (4 page PDF file)
"Promise". Hallmark Hall of Fame, 1986. (Story of two brothers,
one schizophrenic). 60 minutes.
"Uncertain Journey." Dept. Of Psychiatry, Duke University
Medical Center, Box 3173, Durham, N.C. 27710. (919) 684-3332, 50 minutes.
"Understanding and Communicating With a Person Who Is Experiencing
"Understanding and Communicating With a Person Who is Hallucinating",
"Understanding Relapse: Managing the Symptoms of Schizophrenia".
Nurseminars, Inc., P.O. Box 540616, Omaha, NE, 68154-0616, (402) 496-2245.
Each: 60 minutes, $89.00
"When the Music Stops: The Reality of Serious Mental Illness",
The DuPont Co., 1987, NAMI, 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 1015, Arlington,
VA 22203-3754, (703) 524-7600. 20 minutes, $20.
Recent Movies on Schizophrenia
#9 - VHS Version, Starring: Michael Risley, Adrienne Shelly,
Director: Tim McCann, Format: Color, NTSC, Rated: NR, Studio: Wellspring
Media, Inc.
#9 - DVD Version, Starring: Michael Risley, Adrienne Shelly,
Director: Tim McCann, Format: Color, NTSC, Rated: NR, Studio: Wellspring
Media, Inc.
Revolution #9 is an award-winning fictional movie that realistically
documents a young man's descent into schizophrenia. Just as everything
seems to be going right for Jackson and his girlfriend Kim, a shadow
falls across their lives. Suddenly, Jackson begins to suspect that Kim's
young nephew is sending him sinister messages over the Internet. Next,
he becomes convinced a television commercial for a perfume called Revolution
#9 is part of a systematic sensory attack by corporate media. Diagnosed
as schizophrenic by his doctor, Jackson refuses to take his medication
and rejects everyone around him, believing they are all part of a conspiracy
against him. If you're looking for a realistic depiction of schizophrenia
from a recent Hollywood production, Revolution #9 is perhaps a more
accurate and representative movie than "A Beautiful Mind".
Beautiful Mind (The Awards Edition) VHS-Version, Starring:
Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Director: Ron Howard, ASIN: B00005JKQZ
Beautiful Mind (Widescreen Awards Edition) DVD-Version, Starring:
Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Director: Ron Howard, ASIN: B00005JKQZ
Older Movies that involve people who have schizophrenia (as
reviewed by Ian Chovil)
& Joon is a happy film about romance, independence and schizophrenia.
Movie Information: Starring: Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson, Director:
Jeremiah S. Chechik, Format: Color, Closed-captioned, NTSC, Studio:
Mgm/Ua Studio, Video Release Date: April 1, 1997
Saint of Fort Washington is a sad (but well-done) movie about homelessness
and schizophrenia. Click here for another
person's review of the movie
a Glass Darkly won an Academy award, "Best Foreign film", back in
the sixties, very early for any film to mention schizophrenia by name.
It is an Igmar Bergman film shot in black and white, a bit stark really
about a young woman and some pretty strange family dynamics.
Baby (VHS) is a relatively recent Australian film about a young
couple in love who both have schizophrenia. It's a very sad and brutally
honest film. It is a little too realistic for comfort for people who
have experience with schizophrenia. Movie Details: Starring: Michael
Rymer, John Lync, Director: Michael Rymer, Format: Color, NTSC, Rated:
R - Not for sale to persons under age 18.
Gingerbread Man is a bad movie. It has a central character with
schizophrenia but his role is to illustrate our fear of people with
schizophrenia. Rated: R - Not for sale to persons under age 18.
Darko was recommended by several of my visitors. It's a film about
adolescents, and the main character is being treated with medication
for a mental illness. This film you're never too sure what is real and
what are delusions. And in the same way the ending is inconclusive because
you're not sure if what you're seeing is real or just what Donnie believes
is real. Rated: R - Not for sale to persons under age 18.
Advanced Science/Biology
of Schizophrenia Videos - We have a lot of advanced Internet-based
videos on schizophrenia at this link.
Schizophrenia Videos Recommended by Dr. E. Fuller Torrey
I'm Still Here. The Truth About Schizophrenia; A Non-Fiction Film
Real and compelling stories told by individuals struggling with schizophrenia,
but who are able to lead lives of extraordinary courage and accomplishment.
College Students, mental health professionals, and family members view
this tape as moving and remarkable testimony.
To Order: Direct Cinema, PO Box 10003, Santa Monica, CA 90410. Phone:
1-800-525-0000 or 310-636-8200. 67-min videotape, $20.95 (includes shipping).
NOTE: We've received feedback from people that the following videos
are more difficult to get.
In a World Alone: Living with Schizophrenia (1997)
William M. Glazer, MD and Peter M. Weiden, MD., discuss the history
of deinstitutionalization, the history of treatment methods, and the
advances in medications used today. The viewer is reminded that "stigma
is caused by disease that cannot be precisely measured." Consumers
express belief in recovery and cite importance of staying on medications.
To Order: Lisa Rosas, WLIW Health Chronicles, 1790 Broadway, 16th Floor,
New York, NY 10019, Phone: 212-974-2121 Ext. 3825. or 1-800-847-7793.
26 min videotape, $24.95 + $3.00 shipping = $27.95
Madness (Part 7, "The Brain" series) (1984)
An excellent, detailed, informative and interesting introduction to
schizophrenia used extensively by college students, professionals, and
families to better understand schizophrenia.
To Order: Produced by PBS. Annenberg CPB Project, P.O. Box 2345, South
Burlington, VT 05407, Phone: 800-LEARNER, fax: 802-864-9846. 60 minute
videotape, $29.95 + $2.40 shipping = $32.35.
Mental Illness: Unraveling the Myths (1990)
An impressive and provocative panel discussion explores the origins
of the stigma surrounding people with serious mental illness. Host is
Rutgers professor Richard Heffner; panelists are Alexander D. Brooks,
law professor; Patricia Deegan, psychologist; Joanne Verbanic, founder
of Schizophrenics Anonymous; Phyllis Vine, author; and Otto Wahl, psychology
To Order: Rutgers University, New Jersey, Electronic Communications,
6 Berrue Circle, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Phone: 732-445-3710, ext. 129.
60 min videotape, $35.00 + $5.00 Shipping = $40.00
No More Shame: Understanding Schizophrenia (1995)
Videotape presents current findings and thinking in the area of research
on schizophrenia. Symptoms of the illness and treatment options are
brought to the forefront. Use of graphics and computer animations help
to assist viewer to better understand the brain, the neurotransmitters,
and what actually happens at the level of the neuron. Schools, colleges,
families, and professionals will learn from and enjoy this videotape.
To Order: Films for Humanities and Sciences, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton,
NJ 08543, Catalog Number 5827, Phone: 800-257-5126, 20 min. videotape.
$89.95 + $5.95 shipping = $95.90
The film "Nor
More Shame" is also available from
Schizophrenia (1996) - A Three-part series enjoyed by families and
useful as teaching tools
635.1 - Causation
Discusses the epidemiology of schizophrenia and presents theories regarding
the cause of this biologically-based disorder. Includes a discussion
of genetic and environmental factors, as well as structural and functional
changes in the brain, including biochemistry. Also discusses neurologic
signs and information-processing deficits.
1995, 28 min., $280, 2-CE
635.2 - Symptomatology
Discusses both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and assists
helpers in determining whether or not an individual has such symptoms.
Also assists helpers interacting with individuals who are symptomatic
and increases awareness of situations in which violence might occur.
Discusses the DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia.
1995, 31 min., $280, 2-CE
635.3 - The Community's Response
Describes the deinstitutionalization movement and its impact. Discusses
the community's response from several viewpoints including that of clients,
parents, medical and nursing professionals, law enforcement personnel,
psychiatric personnel in the penal system, and outreach workers. Examines
issues such as importance of the family, adherence to medication regimens,
stigmatization, dangerousness, and need for community outreach and support.
Commentary by E. Fuller Torrey.
1995, 41 min., $280, 2-CE
To Order: Concept Media, P.O. Box 19542, Irvine, CA 92623-9542, Tel
(949) 660-0727, Fax: (949) 660-0206, Toll-Free 800-233-7078,
"Schizophrenia: Surving in the World of Normals", and
"A Love Story: Living with Someone with Schizophrenia"
Frederick J. Frese, a psychologist and consumer, and his wife, Penny
Frese, speak candidly about schizoprenia. Dr. Frese offers and insider's
perspective and practicle approaches to the problems surrounding the
illness; Penny Frese speaks from the perspective of a spouse. An iimpressive
and inspiring model for "openness" about mental illness. A
favorite among consumers and families, college students and professionals.
To Order: Wellness Reproductions, 23945 Mercantile Road, Beachwood,
OH 44122-5924, Phone: 216-831-9209, 120 minute videotape, $49.95 + $5.95
shipping = $55.90
A Mother's Search (1996)
A mother's extraordinary journey to rescue her son, Mark, who has schizophrenia,
is homeless and is in need of medical attention. The issues of medication
non-compliance and involuntary treatment are addressed. Designed especially
for families, professionals and law enforcement officers.
To Order: CBS Video: "48 Hours" 10-24-96. CBS, P.O. Box 2284,
So. Burlington, VT 05407, Phone: 800-542-5621. 45 minute video tape.
$29.95 + $7.13 shipping = $38.08.
Annick Holister's Story (1997)
Annick's story is about living with schizophrenia. Determined to face
mental illness and overcome the obstacles to recovery, Annick and members
of her family relate their experiences. A heartwarming video to inspire
and encourage other consumers and families to seek help. The importance
of research is emphasized.
To Order: CBS "60 Minutes" segment, 5-18-97. CBS, P.O. Box
2284, So. Burlington, VT 05407, Phone: 800-542-5621. (sM70518C) video
tape. $29.95 + $7.13 shipping = $38.08.
Critical Conections (1997)
From the perspective of individuals who have schizophrenia, the viewer
learns that treatment is not just a matter of medications; the individual
must take control and build relationships of trust with others. The
message the video conveys is: "see the individual first, then the
illness." Video cites progress in science and medications with
fewer side-effects. Suitable for families, consumers, mental health
professionals, and concerned citizens.
To Order Your Free Copy: American Psychiatric Association, Public Affairs,
1400 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005, 28-min videotape, Call 202-682-6325
to obtain a free copy.
Familes Coping with Mental Illness (1996)
Families convey stories about their struggles and successes. A provocative
tape that stimulates exellent discussions. Families will get a perspective
that will help them cope more effectively. This is a powerful learning
tool for social workers and other mental health professionals to use
in training and when attempting to help families cope with mental disease.
To Order: Bonnie Tapes. Mental Illness Education Project, 22-D Hollywood
Avenue, Hohokus, NJ 07423. Phone: 201-652-1989. 22 minute or 43 minute
videotape, $29.95 + $9 shipping = $38.95